Exhibition of Contemporary Art "Some Call Us Balkans"
Artwork: The more I stay, the more territorial I become, Outdoor sound installation-performance
Artist: Diona Kusari
'Psychotherapeutic' sessions, whereby the inner conversations are made visible and public, are broadcasted through a moving van (kamionçinë) which goes en route to the center and peripheral parts of Prishtina. In trying to amend the dissonance between the artist's personal truth and society's vestiges of shame and honor bonds - the ego, superego and collective consciousness speak through her.
A slight reappropriation of a familiar scenario in cities all over Kosovo - men going around town driving a van shouting "hekura, hekura" into a speaker attached on top of it, as a way of informing households that they will purchase their unused home devices to collect steel and iron parts. Such sounds are so omnipresent that our bodies have learned this cue. Immediately as one hears this muffled sound one can identify it, just as how we are taught to shut down our bodies and senses to the cacophony in public space.
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